Month: May 2024

Life And Limb

Yesterday it rained and rained and rained all day long. Our soil is sand and water tends to quickly drain away so an all day rain was very welcomed and appreciated. EJ has been working hard in his vegetable garden in the mornings before… Continue Reading “Life And Limb”

Eyes On

Last week something bit my hand. I wasn’t aware that I had been bitten until later when over half of my hand began to swell up and itch. It was so itchy that I started to wonder if I had touched poison ivy when… Continue Reading “Eyes On”

Mother’s Day

I hope everyone had a nice Mother’s Day–or, at least, survived it. Mother’s Day can be a wonderful day for those who have close families, but I always think of those who struggle with this Day because they don’t have good mothers, they can’t… Continue Reading “Mother’s Day”

…That Ends Well

Wednesday was a long, difficult day. The difficult day actually began early last Friday morning, although we weren’t aware of it. While at work, EJ had a sudden severe headache. It was so bad that he came home early. The headache disappeared, but over… Continue Reading “…That Ends Well”