Tag: backyard-chickens

Blond Chicks

We’ve had several hot, dry days which yellowed the grass and made the garden plants droop. Our area is sandy, which doesn’t hold moisture so lack of rain is a problem. For several days I watered everything–EJ’s vegetable garden, my herb garden, the flower… Continue Reading “Blond Chicks”

A Mighty RAWR!

We’ve been keeping busy doing summer stuff, which mostly consists of working in our gardens. Last Sunday we had a visit from a couple that EJ went to high school with. He knew both the husband and the wife back then. I became friends… Continue Reading “A Mighty RAWR!”

Mother’s Day

I hope everyone had a nice Mother’s Day–or, at least, survived it. Mother’s Day can be a wonderful day for those who have close families, but I always think of those who struggle with this Day because they don’t have good mothers, they can’t… Continue Reading “Mother’s Day”