Tag: Religion and Spirituality


I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. About the covid-19 virus. Not directly or specifically about the virus itself. But about the ripples it has caused in the lives of people. Including my own. In this post, I’m not discussing whether or not the virus… Continue Reading “Ripples”

A Quiet Peace

How are you all today? I know a lot of people are very scared. I understand and I empathize. To quote Thomas Paine, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” It’s easy to get anxious when there is uncertainty and a constant barrage… Continue Reading “A Quiet Peace”

It’s Gonna Be Okay

Yesterday I wrote that today’s current events become tomorrow’s history and that history isn’t just a bunch of facts to be memorized for a school test but is actually about the stories of people who lived through it. So how are you all doing?… Continue Reading “It’s Gonna Be Okay”

This Little Light of Mine

At the end of 2019, I decided, determined, resolved, that the year 2020 would be a year of healing, rebirth, and rediscovery. I am determined to have no toleration of toxic behaviors. I am resolved to pursue a life of peace and joy, making… Continue Reading “This Little Light of Mine”


Friday, as usual, was our errand day. We were planning to buy some straw bales for the chicken coop. I called a farm store and a hardware store where we have bought bales in previous years, but EJ said they were much too expensive.… Continue Reading “Celebrations”


I don’t know if any of you have ever taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Tests? They are free online. I’m sure some people may think it’s all baloney, but both EJ and I find that our personality types describe us extremely and eerily accurately. I… Continue Reading “Meddlesome”

Yes, Sir, Yes, Sir, Three Bags Full

As I grew up in the church, I often heard that Christians should never question God, because questioning meant a person was doubting God, and doubting God was sin. People who were full of faith never questioned God–and never felt afraid, anxious, angry, or doubt,… Continue Reading “Yes, Sir, Yes, Sir, Three Bags Full”

Words and Things

Today is a rainy day. Yesterday the National Weather Service predicted a 100% chance of rain for today. Earlier this morning they said there was a 90% chance of rain, and later they downgraded it to an 80% chance of rain. I think the… Continue Reading “Words and Things”

Where Your Nose Begins

We had quite a bit of rain this morning, or rather yesterday morning–it’s after midnight here–and I was very tired from a sleepless night, so I wrote much of the day. Most of the time I write about our simple life in Northern Michigan.… Continue Reading “Where Your Nose Begins”

Chocolate Mint Tea

During the week, I always get up at 6 a.m. when EJ needs to get up to get ready for work. Often he wakes up before his alarm goes off so he gets up, drinks coffee, and opens all the windows so the morning… Continue Reading “Chocolate Mint Tea”

Last Week

Last week was very difficult, but I am not free to write about most of it. I would appreciate prayers as we deal with difficult situations. A few weeks ago Kate, my occupational therapist, mentioned that she loved classic jelly beans, so I finally… Continue Reading “Last Week”

Bubbles in the Winter – And Other Stuff

Tuesday morning after EJ had left for work, after I had eaten breakfast, and after I had showered and my wet hair had dried, I put on my coat, hat, boots, and mittens and bravely went out to snowblow the driveway.  It required courage… Continue Reading “Bubbles in the Winter – And Other Stuff”

We’re All Just Stories in the End…

“I’ll be a story in your head. That’s okay. We’re all stories in the end.”  (Doctor Who) Two weeks ago we had a sweltering heat wave. Last week temps dropped into the 30s at night and barely reached into the 60s during the day.… Continue Reading “We’re All Just Stories in the End…”

Ella Empowered

I debated whether or not to write further about my thoughts about Jane, the woman who had been raped 11 years ago while a student at Master’s College (now University). I wrote about it a couple of days ago. I am especially distressed about the… Continue Reading “Ella Empowered”

A Shepherd’s Response

Sam Powell is a pastor and abuse advocate. He writes a blog, but I first encountered him through the comments he posted at A Cry for Justice. He wrote the following comment at Facebook in response to Jon Uhler’s posts about Jane, whose story… Continue Reading “A Shepherd’s Response”